What’s White Sulfur Mineral Water?? -5 min read-

What’s White Sulfur Mineral Water?? -5 min read-

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear ‘sulfur water?' Probably the distinct and unpleasant smell of rotten eggs that it has as it penetrates your nostrils, oh-so strongly. Despite its many health benefits that it may have, many may forego these benefits to avoid the rancid smell of the water. Or perhaps, the first thing you think of is sulfur water springs and spas, which can be so heavenly- assuming the smell doesn’t bother you. But who's got the time and money for that on a daily basis?! 

ClearLee Skin Made Easy Blog Sulfur Springs Dominica

So then, is there a win-win solution to avoiding the smell, while obtaining the health benefits of sulfur mineral water and saving time and money? Yes!

The base of all of the products made at ClearLee is white sulfur mineral water, but they don’t carry the smell one would associate with sulfur water. In fact, all the products have very pleasant aromas. Solely by smell, you probably wouldn’t even assume white sulfur mineral water to be one of the main ingredients. How is this possible? The blend of essential oils carefully incorporated to each and every one of the products not only proves great for your skin, but also allows the products to smell delightful. But to those who hate strong, overpowering scents also don’t have to worry! Because it’s not overbearing at all. Just a slight hint of aroma that’s pleasing to your olfactory(smell) system.

First and foremost lets answer the question: What are the health benefits of sulfur water?

ClearLee Skin Made Easy Blog Sulfur Springs

Sulfur springs have been said to be a health and beauty aid since the days of fire and brimstone where even the soldiers of the Trojan war would take dips for curative purposes. Modern studies have shown that the waters help address health concerns like:

  • arthritis
  • allergies
  • psoriasis
  • eczema

Sulfur as an element is in fact recognized for its antimicrobial properties. It’s also known for being one of the more abundant elements in the body and a key component of collagen, which is highly important for connective tissue. On top of that, its essential to glutathione, which is one of the body’s most important antioxidants. And from personal experience, it’s definitely helped with calming down acne to the point where no more oral medication was necessary (I was on minocycline for a couple years).


Now, what’s the difference between regular sulfur water and white sulfur mineral water?

Simply put, most sulfur springs are orange-brown in color, but the water ClearLee draws is clear and rich in sulfur as well as many other minerals that crystallize into a white powder when evaporated. Check out the pics below!

ClearLee Skin Made Easy Blog White Sulfur Mineral Water Powder EvaporationHow cool is that?? You can visibly see the minerals that get to go on your skin.

The water obtained is drawn from natural flowing, underground springs that are studied and said to be one of the most sulfur and mineral enriched waters in the Americas. And because its constantly flowing, it’s naturally filtered through the ground where it is purified by mineral rocks. This water is even safe to drink for internal health benefits unlike regular sulfur water. And although all the products at ClearLee are made with all natural ingredients (might I also say they’re vegan) don’t go consuming these because they’re not made to eat! But if you want more info on white sulfur mineral water check out this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIElqjTdaH0

ClearLee Skin Made Easy Blog White Sulfur Mineral Water Underground

How do ClearLee’s products save you time and money?

Since ClearLee delivers straight to your door, you don’t need to take the day off to travel far to find these enriching sulfur mineral waters anymore. ClearLee will do the traveling for you. In addition, for the amount of products that you get, the price is 'ClearLee' worth it. 

Experience the benefits of white sulfur mineral water in the comfort of your home.



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